Age: 125
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lol. yeah it was pretty bad (islamabad experience). lol.
as 4 lahore....if i was 2 choose a place outside of t-dot 2 would be that city, no questions asked. the lights, sights, people, atmosphere, celebs, and last but cretainly not least...the FOOD...lahore's got everything!! afterall lahore, lahore eh bai! i miss pk. ! my favorite spots gotta be fortress and the new food street!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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she's getting married?!?! this is news 2 me! either sayed noor's making it official, or she's found someone new. lol. please explain lollyfan!
secondly, i agree with u. saima's doin' just fine in lollywood!
no idea what the name of the movie with shaan/saima is. maybe its commando or bandish, or quadi 786? i'm just guessing... all of 'em have the dynamic duo!
i also agree that she ain't THAT fat. lol.
as 4 u're last 'good news' is in regards 2 that actually. lol. i dont want to get anyone's hope up tho! lol. i simply had a revalation regarding saima and i think it'll make teen sahib and paki lion happy. nothing major. lol.
Age: 125
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i've had nothing but bad luck in islamabad tho. lol. out of the 4 times i've been 2 pk, twice we stopped over in islamabad 2 change b4 heading over 2 lahore. BOTH times, my luggage got lost. LOL. the other two times we flew direct 2 lahore, and the trip went without a hitch. but the city itself (islamabad) is nice, just like all of pk!
Age: 125
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shehzad roy. he looks like a bumb. lol.
so its final. sanam's my hookup 4 celebs next time we're both in pk at the same time! lol.
as 4 the cricket team...4-5 years ago they came 2 toronto 4 some tournament. my uncle hung out with them (he knows some player) and the entire team ate food cooked by my mom. lol. no joke! so u scratch my back, and i'll scratch yours! lol. humaira 4 the cricket team! (j/k)
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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oh! well its tru man...i admire saima as an actress, but common now...her and me...marriage?! that'd make her a petophile. LOL. (j/k). nai nai...vo ek achi lady hai (i think)! we shouldn't talk like this abt her or ME 4 that matter. lol.
anyhow....who'd my comment remind u of?! humay bhi to batein sanam jee!
Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
HAHAHAHAHALOL, LOL!! i could only imagine how they must have looked. lol.
no kidding?! i was in lahore last year as well! i saw sadia imam (super duper model!!) and humayon saeed (the drama artist) at the airport upon arrival. they were right behind us in a LONG, LONG lineup which really wasn't a lineup (u know how it is in pk). lol. long story short, she was chatting it up with my mom (i had absolutely NO idea who she was. if i did, i might have asked 4 an autograph. i was simply staring at her thinking...hey...she's pretty. lol.) and she looked fine. she had on a salvaar kameeze with one of 'em long over-coats which are real thin. u know what i mean?! anyhow, she's a supermodel so she obviously knows how 2 dress...that being said she chose a salwaar kameese, and didn't come off as a wannabe westerner, altho she of all people could pull it off, dont u think!
but u're right. some of these artists overdue it. us westerners are more traditional than some of those in pk. lol. all i know is, i have yet 2 see humaira in pants. she can wear all the burkha's she wants, but she's got style when it comes 2 dressing (in traditional outfits). i hope she stays that way! lol.
Age: 125
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remind me 2 stay clear of u're path, what with the unexpected low-blows. lol. (j/k)
what u're sayin' is rite (abt dressing people up but they gotta have 'it' 2 pull it off). but i'm sayin' tho...reema's got some class, don't u think. by no means do i consider myself a fan of hers, so i'm thinking objectively here! she doesn't look bad. have u seen her recently?! she's got SOME class!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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lol. i guess thats ok then (the break, and then eating a meal)! last ramadan i ate a roti at sehri and i swear 2 u...i could feel it the ENTIRE day sitting on my chest. lol. i couldn't tell if i was going 2 throw up or digest it. needless 2 say that was the last time i had roti at sehri. lol.
as 4 humaira, i hope u're right! she BEST be fasting. lol. my loyalty hangs in the balance! (j/k)
u know what i think it is...they wear burkha's in public so that they're not recognized. no religious reasons. again tho...i hope i'm wrong, cause if thats the case neither of 'em r exactly model muslims or citizens. lol.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
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Canada, Canada
u're turnin' on me slik chik!! lol. (j/k)
out of respect for the majority who seem 2 loath her on this board...i won't bring up saima. we can talk abt her in the topic dedicated 2 her!
anyhow, amna haq aint bad either. she'd be my second choice. but i figured everyone would go with zara and/or amna haq and i wanted 2 be original, so i went with veena malik!